Visual AId Corporation

How Opt In Works

Verbal Approval Process:

When sitting across from a Visual AId representative, the user is asked:

"Please provide your mobile number. We may send you a one-time SMS when your account is ready, which will include a link to download the application and login information. Do you consent to receive this message? Yes or No."

  • If the user says "No," the representative will provide them with a printed instruction sheet that explains how to download, sign up, and log in to the application and their account.

  • If the user says "Yes," they verbally consent to receive a one-time SMS message from Visual AId with the necessary information to download and access their account.

This verbal approval ensures that users are fully aware of and consent to receiving a single SMS message from Visual AId.

Contact Us:
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at Visual AId, 10080 N Wolfe Rd., Suite SW3-200, Cupertino, CA 95014, or visit our website at

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© Visual AId Corporation. 2024